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Encapsulates all data pertaining to a specific voxel spacing. This includes the tomograms and feature maps at this voxel spacing.


  • run (CopickRun) –

    Reference to the run this voxel spacing belongs to.

  • meta (CopickVoxelSpacingMeta) –

    Metadata for this voxel spacing.

  • tomograms (List[CopickTomogram]) –

    Tomograms for this voxel spacing. Either populated from config or lazily loaded when CopickVoxelSpacing.tomograms is accessed for the first time.

__init__(run: CopickRun, meta: CopickVoxelSpacingMeta, config: Optional[CopickConfig] = None)


  • run (CopickRun) –

    Reference to the run this voxel spacing belongs to.

  • meta (CopickVoxelSpacingMeta) –

    Metadata for this voxel spacing.

  • config (Optional[CopickConfig], default: None ) –

    Configuration of the copick project.

query_tomograms() -> List[CopickTomogram]

Override this method to query for tomograms.

get_tomogram(tomo_type: str) -> Union[CopickTomogram, None]

Get tomogram by type.


  • tomo_type (str) –

    Type of the tomogram to retrieve.


  • CopickTomogram ( Union[CopickTomogram, None] ) –

    The tomogram with the given type, or None if not found.

refresh_tomograms() -> None

Refresh CopickVoxelSpacing.tomograms from storage.

refresh() -> None

Refresh CopickVoxelSpacing.tomograms from storage.

new_tomogram(tomo_type: str, **kwargs) -> CopickTomogram

Create a new tomogram object, also creates the Zarr-store in the storage backend.


  • tomo_type (str) –

    Type of the tomogram to create.

  • **kwargs

    Additional keyword arguments for the tomogram metadata.


  • CopickTomogram ( CopickTomogram ) –

    The newly created tomogram object.


  • ValueError

    If a tomogram with the given type already exists for this voxel spacing.

ensure(create: bool = False) -> bool

Override to check if the voxel spacing record exists, optionally create it if it does not.


  • create (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to create the voxel spacing record if it does not exist.


  • bool ( bool ) –

    True if the voxel spacing record exists, False otherwise.